Since the Northbridge Club was chartered in 1983, we have dedicated countless hours to giving back to our amazing community.
We try embody Rotary's primary motto "Service above Self" in every activity we do, both locally and internationally.
Our club meets Tuesday 6:00pm for a 6:30pm start at Northbridge Golf Club, Sailors Bay Road, Northbridge (Sydney, NSW). We love visitors so come join us any meeting!
Docs & Links
Northbridge Rotary is dedicated to embodying the ideal of service, supporting communities both locally and abroad, and to creating lasting networks between people with a strong desire to make a difference in the world. Like most Rotary Clubs, we focus on:
Bringing together business and professional leaders
Encouraging high ethical standards in all vocations,
Helping people and communities of all backgrounds, regardless of race, colour, creed, religion, gender, or political preference.
The advancement of International understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.
The Northbridge Rotary Club maintains a monthly pop-up bookstore with an amazing variety of second-hand books in great condition.
The Bookstore is held on the third Sunday of each month. This amazing initiative also prevents these wonderful books going into landfill.
100% of sales made go towards various local and international charities that we support. Past causes have included End Polio, drought assistance, youth development and at risk youth.
These books need a good home so come and say hello!
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For more information about the project when COVID restrictions easy:
In December last year we started our collaboration with Pudding Lane to support charities struggling for funds.
With the help of Pudding Lane, we sold premium hand-made, award-winning Christmas puddings.
We are always looking for ways to help struggling charities so if you are interested in ordering a delicious pudding, reach out today!
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Please email Alan Hession ( to order puddings today!
“Club Reports” example“Club Reports” category can store board, committee, annual reports etc.
(Club Reports ... 06/07/2021)
General example pageThis page appears so the “General” category appears. In that category/folder the club can store all its general information that may be of interest.
(General ... 06/07/2021)
Fund raising examplen that category/folder the club can store links, flyers, reports and keep a complete history of your fund raising activity.
(Fund Raising ... 06/07/2021)
Featured Rotary Sustainability ProjectsA wide range of Rotary initiatives delivering on Rotary's new focus of sustainability.
(ESRAG - Oceana ... 01/06/2021)
IFixThePlanet Winning VideosRotarian all over the world submitted their videos in the competition. Here are the winner. Great to show in your club.
(ESRAG ... 30/05/2021)
Carrot CakeA sample recipe from Sustainable Social - Members may like to put recipes in Doc & Links - nice sharing and fellowship.
(Recipe ... 01/04/2021)
Date sconesA sample recipe from Sustainable Social - Members may like to put recipes in Doc & Links - nice sharing and fellowship.
(Recipe ... 01/04/2021)
Broccoli and Corn Quiche - sample recipeA sample recipe from Sustainable Social - Members may like to put recipes in Doc & Links - nice sharing and fellowship.
(Recipe ... 01/04/2021)
Orange SaladA sample recipe from Sustainable Social - Members may like to put recipes in Doc & Links - nice sharing and fellowship.
(Recipe ... 01/04/2021)
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Add these news and other items to have an immediate set of interesting content for members. You can edit, change category or delete anytime. And of course add you own local information - that the main idea of the panel. We'll send a monthly updates for you to add to the list.
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You can limit access to selected documents, for example meeting agendas and members' contact details. Please note: a single password applies to all the documents that you select Yes to protect.
Christma Puddings
Northbridge Rotary Club is seeking your support with our latest fundraising activity.
Many of our charities, and those in need, are struggling and are in desperate need of help.
At this time, our Northbridge Rotary Club, together with Pudding Lane's support, will be raising funds via the sale
of Premium hand-made, award-winning Christmas Puddings.
Details about the Pudding Lane products are enclosed.
Northbridge Rotary is seeking our members, family and friends to consider supporting our efforts and placing an order, which will be delivered by mid December.
Please review the extensive product choice and price list, and indicate your interest in purchasing some
of these products, by return email to me.
If you would like to order any puddings please email Alan Hession from Northbridge Rotary Club at
Many thanks and hope to hear from you very soon.
Alan Hession
Director Fundraising
Rotary Club of Northbridge